Live in the NOW? Can I plan to do that??

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

    Yesterday, strangely enough, I was told by a doctor that I need to  start "living in the now". I was taken aback by his words because first of all I was in his office to talk about physical aliments. Secondly, I like to pride myself on being able to enjoy the little things and being thankful for the small moments. But...maybe I am not doing as well as I thought. What have I been thinking about lately?
I try to keep myself in check today and take note of things I was thinking about. Here's what I found...

• Should we buy that house around the corner...or keep looking...
• Should I check the job site again to see if the position I applied for is still posted...what if I don't get that job...
• Ben needs a haircut--so do I. I better make some appointments next week.
• I hope the kids like their swimming lessons next week. I hope we can adjust to the added "running"
• I really need to get back to the gym. Since I have had headaches I haven't been working out.
• I am going to start doing math drills with Adam---he doesn't like them and if we do them together he will get better.

Humm....all those things are in the future. Maybe that doctor was right.  Did I enjoy the day, right now, right here?  I did notice that I reallllyyy enjoyed my coffee this morning today. I also smelled Ben's hair when I was working with him on his letters and felt his excitement when he drew a Z-- also noticed he needed to get it cut. Nathan kissed me in the bathroom this morning and I thought how I am glad I am married.

Don't we all live a little in the future? How else can we plan or dream? Like everything, it has to be a balance, right?  I wonder what it would be like if for one week I really lived in the now, the present and only tried to think about what is happening as it unfolds around me? Can someone do that and run a household? Maybe if I start just "noticing", just stopping and becoming "mindful".

Here's wiki's definition. Just some food for thought.

What do you do to live in the now? Please share if you have some insights.

 picture from

Remember the good times...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

              I've been battling headaches for a month now. I had been "headache free" for a week. I decided to back off on the medicine and lo and behold--a whooper, that has lasted three days! The thought that I keep coming to me was-- "when you feel good you forget what it feels to be in pain."  I had forgotten how much these headaches hurt and intrude in my life. Kindof like you can't go back to feeling your labor pains! Your mind protects you from it.That is probably true with emotional pain too. Can you truly feel how you felt at your darkest? You haven't forgotten it, but you can't go there completely in your mind.

         I don't think it works the other way around. When I feel miserable, I can REMEMBER what it feels like to feel better. I crave it, I know how I am suppose to feel. You swear you will never take it for granted again. I can only imagine if I were really sick. How much I would worship my healthy former self! Never taking anything for granted. That is what they mean by, "live as if the day were your last", don't let the good stuff slip away.

      Well, yesterday, at the height of "headache" hell, my six year old came home from school, proudly announcing that he lost his first tooth! I swelled with pride and excitement. I didn't think such a thing would cause such a reaction. As  I peered into his little mouth to check out the hole and new little bud...I was instantly taken back to that first baby tooth. That was the same one that came in first. I could smell his little baby self, his drooling mouth exposing his new little pearl! I hugged him and I felt this warm glow in my heart. I had remembered the good times, my mind let me go back. I could "feel" my old self, holding my first baby. It was if I was there...

         Even though I still felt "down" with the headache, I also feel like this was one of the days I want to remember! The day Adam lost his first tooth. I want to remember his sweet smile and new gap! I want to remember his excitement and the story he told about losing it. But when I go back to that moment I want to leave out the part where I had a headache!

This post is part of the 30 minute blog challenge at Steady Mom.

I disappeared!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I kindof disappeared from this "blog". I had really good intentions...don't we all!

Lots has happened since I began writing. Ben and I have had a fabulous time together-- time I can't get back. And meeting Adam at the door each day is priceless as well. Working is definitely different than staying home!

I am going to try and keep up this blog might change into something new. Who knows where I am going now. My time at home may be extended since the "teaching" job market doesn't look too promising. Some days I am disorganized, as my last post stated, but some days I really do well and make the most of my time.


Here's to starting again! Taking time to reflect, taking time to give back, taking time to teach, taking time to record, taking time to love, and taking time to really live the life I have been given. I think this blog might help to do just that.

See you tomorrow! (or maybe later today!)