Which Mommy am I??

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I have such respect for all those mothers out there that have been doing this stay at home thing for quite some time. It is a real challenge. There have been days that I feel organized, productive, and nurturing. Then there are days I feel chaotic, depressed and grouchy. I will give examples of each of days that I have experienced the last month. True story...don't judge me!

"Got my GAME on" type of day:  

7:00- Wake up early, shower, get coffe, write in my notebook planner
7:30- Bath kids and give them straws in the bathtub. (They love this!)
8:30- Take Adam to school, everyone is in a great mood.
9:00- Go to the workout room with Ben. He plays Widgets and I sweat!
10:00- Ben and I play outside, ride bikes, play with the bouncy balls and burn energy.
11:00- Ben plays Legos, I help him, patiently. We listen to a kid's cd and dance.
12:00- Healthy lunch at the table. I have a salad with fresh fruit.
12:30- Story time, puppet show-Ben loves stories and lots of pretend play with his stuffies. I make up a quick story with his stuffed panda.
1:00- Nap time. I do several loads of laundry and clean up. I check the finances and pay some bills.
3:00- Ben wakes and watches Noggin and I start getting ingredients ready for supper. I am using a new recipe from HyVee and it is very low in calories.
4:00- Walk to the bus stop and play "I Spy" with Ben while we wait for Adam. Then Adam gets off the bus and tells me all about his day while he holds my hand.
4:30- The boys play cars and I prepare supper.
5:15- Nathan comes home and we sit down for a great dinner. The kids love the cresent rolls, Nathan is impressed with the Salmon recipe, and everyone wants more chocolate chip banana bread.
6:30- We play several rounds of UNO. Then I do some homework with Adam.
7:20- PJs and Story time, the boys go down to bed great and everyone is happy.
7:45- Nathan and I sit down and watch a  couple of  shows and pop some popcorn.
8:30- We both read in bed and have a great conversation about our days and our books.
10:00- Asleep and cuddled in!

Feeling like Sh*t day:
 7:30- I hear Nathan in the kitchen. He doesn't have milk for his cereal; I hear him making toast. He asks if  he has any socks, he can't find any. Whoops!
7:45- Do I have to get out of bed? The kids are already up and playing Star Wars- on our bed!
8:00- I give Adam some cereal as I throw on some clothes. We decide to skip the bath. Haven't I said "get your clothes on!" like 6 times! Ben wants to wear pants that are three inches too short and a cape.
8:40- Adam can't find his other shoe and Ben is looking for toys to bring to work out. I am shouting, "We are going to be late...let's GO!"
8:43- The ride to school is quite. Adam gives me a look in the mirror,;he looks like the teenager he will be one day. He sneers at me. He can't stand it when I am pushing him to get ready.
9:00- We arrive at the workout place. Ben is having a fit because I am doing the same exercise everyday, "you always do that one, Mommy!". He wants me to lift weights. I have a headache and walk on the treadmill, but I do it a bit more slowly. I am not sure I even sweat. I am tired.
10:00 Ben sits down at the computer and plays on the PBS website. I putz on my laptop.
11:00- Ben asks for more time, I give in. I get another diet coke and read the New York Times and check blogs.
12:00- Ben eats a  sandwich and I just munch on some chips, and cookies...
1:00- Ben doesn't want a nap. I don't feel like a story, I ask him if we can do it when he gets up. "NO". I read a story and just hope he settles down. I lay down with him and fall asleep with him.
3:00- SHIT. I only have about an hour until we pick up Adam. I need to take a shower and still make beds. Opps. What am I having for supper??
4:15- Get Adam for the bus stop. He tells me about his day and holds my hand.
4:30- I call Nate and asks him if he wants me to order a pizza. Oh, and I ask him to pick up some milk.
5:30- Eat Pizza and watch "Funniest Home Videos". We use TV trays.
6:30- The kids are driving us CRAZY! They are wrestling and tackling and seem to have boundless energy!
7:20- Get the boys ready for bed. It takes FOREVER. Every time we think they are down, one of them calls for us. More water, still hungry, too hot, leave the light on!, can't sleep, giggling...
8:30- We sit down for TV and we veg out until we go to bed.

Am I the same person??? The first mommy would probably "fire" the second mommy. Yes, that is right I would fire me on those bad days!  My kids must be confused. I don't remember being this inconsistent when I worked?? Maybe it is the freedom I have, or just insanity. Which mommy am I- Super Mommy or Miss Frumpy Grumpy Pants? Some days I have my stuff together, other days I am a total mess. I hope to some day be somewhere in the middle-- that will probably be the week before I return to work!

Bye for now.
Hopefully it won't be so long!


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